Port Fairy’s past and present fishermen in 2010.

I always thought an image of Port Fairy’s past and present fishermem would be great for the Port Fairy’s archives and be good to have as it’s history! When I was growing up in Port Fairy the older fishermen were good fun and were a hardy bunch. So I approached Howard (Podge) Sharp about my intentions. He was a great help and rang everybody up and organised a time for them to be at the wharf so I could get my picture. A bit of trivia about the image. They all lined up and smiled. It didn’t look right to me! So I said to them ‘I don’t want a smily photo’, so they put on their serious heads as they are proud and tough fishermen. You be the judge but personally I was glad to take it that way! Thanks to Podge and the fishermen. Again click on this image for light box mode.


The Syrian cobbler in Damascus.


The Great Ocean Quarterly and Jock.